4 Tips To Grow Your Tresses & Retain Length

Who doesn't want long and healthy curls? It's true what people say, the health of your hair is more important than hanging onto 'damaged' length. Here's how to grow your tresses and retain length with 4 fail-proof hacks.
Grow Your Tresses & Retain Length Grow Your Tresses & Retain Length

Who doesn't want long and healthy curls? It's true what people say, the health of your hair is more important than hanging onto 'damaged' length. Here's how to grow your tresses and retain length with 4 fail-proof hacks.

Tip 1: Protective styling

Leaving your hair alone in a protective style will do wonders for your tresses as it allows your natural hair to relax and grow without you having to manipulate your hair too much. Whatever your choice of style is, remember to keep your natural hair clean and moisturised. Low manipulation hairstyles are the best for retaining length and growing your tresses. In between protective styling, it is important to let your hair breathe by giving it a break.

Tip 2: Keep your hair moisturised & scalp hydrated

The curlier your hair pattern, the drier your curls tend to be. This is due to its curly pattern. The natural oils find it hard to travel down a curly hair pattern, therefore, moisturising is key — especially if you have curly hair. 
Keep on top of your wash day regimen to ensure moisture and hydration are fulfilled in the hair shaft. A simple regimen for curly and coily hair types is the LOC or LCO regimen. This stands for: 

L = liquid 
O = oil 
C = cream 

LCO is just another variation of how to apply your products. The most common is LOC. This regimen is the perfect solution for maintaining moisture and hydration all while locking it in with a great sealing oil. Test out the LOC regimen using our:

Rose Water Curl Mist (liquid) 

Citrus Superfruit Radiance Oil(oil) 

Sweet Hibiscus Twist & Braid Cream (heavier cream) 

Rose Water Detangling Lotion (lighter cream)

If you really want to boost hair growth, ensure that you are massaging your scalp weekly for 5 - 10 minutes to encourage blood circulation and stimulate your hair follicles for hair growth. You can try our Coconut Mint Scalp Refresh Pre-Shampoo Oil or the African Citrus Bloom Superfruit Hair Oil. Both are proven to increase hair growth and a healthy and happy scalp. 

Pro-tip to retain hair growth: Make sure to focus on your ends. They are the oldest part of your hair, therefore they are prone to breakage and split ends. 

Tip 3: Deep condition your curls

Whether you're natural, newly natural or transitioning, you should be deep conditioning every wash day, if not, every other wash day will suffice. This helps to strengthen and build the new hair follicles coming in. Open your hair cuticles up to allow for deeper penetration of conditioner to nourish your curls to the core.
 Deep conditioning your curls with indirect heat helps to make your hair shiner, less dense, stronger and improves the overall health of your hair.

Tip 4: Keep it simple

Remember to keep your routine simple and be patient! The simpler your hair routine is, the easier it will be to give your hair the self-care it needs. Wash, condition, moisturise and style. That's it. Everyone has a different growth rate, so don't get disheartened if you notice a slower growth rate between yourself and your fellow curly friend. Taking proper care of your hair will result in maximum growth and length retention. 

What are your tips for length retention and to grow long healthy curls?

Naturally yours,
Team Flora & Curl

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